Some bits and bobs about Bits and Bobs
Welcome to Bits and Bobs, a newsletter that will be just that: a semi-regular (monthly or biweekly) collection of thoughts, recommendations, and writings of yours truly. The theme is grab-bag, and I hope you'll find something in it that you like.
Maybe you'll agree with my ruminations, maybe you'll roll your eyes, maybe you'll be outraged. Who knows?! You might discover a fun tweet, a good recipe, a book endorsement. The highlight of the first installment, coming soon to your inbox, is a list of names that my dad thought would be good for this newsletter (Hahahahanna was one of them, to give you a taste). The one that I landed on comes from my frequent reporting partner's messages to me about how he fixed some "bits and bobs" in whatever piece we're working on at the moment. It's fitting, and, I hope, a little charming.
Very briefly, if you don't know me: I'm a reporter at Quartz, and I've written about everything from scammers to Gilmore Girls to Uber drivers. I was born in New York, where I live now, but was raised in Warsaw, Poland. You can find my writing at or on my Quartz author page, my tweets right here, my Facebook here, and my Instagram here.
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